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Self-hypnosis is a technique designed to bring about desired change in our feelings or behavior. It involves thinking or listening to positive messages, known as autosuggestions, while in a state of deep relaxation. In a deep state of relaxation, the mind is more open to change.

Self-hypnosis can also be useful for performance enhancement by helping you to feel calmer and more in control of stressful situations.

Self-hypnosis has been found to be effective for reducing

  • Insomnia
  • Pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscular tension
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue

Decide ahead which phrases or suggestions you will focus on. Find a comfortable place where you are not likely to be disturbed. Close your eyes and allow your body to relax. Breathe deeply, gently and slowly and each time you exhale let your body feel heavier and heavier like you are slowly sinking into the surface beneath you. Count slowly from 1 to 20, feeling yourself becoming more and more relaxed. You can also imagine being on an elevator or escalator asyou count. When you feel very relaxed, mentally repeat your suggestions and phrases over and over, allowing them to sink deeply into your mind. It can help to visualize yourself thinking, feeling, or behaving that way. It is common to make a audio recording of your phrases to listen. A full self-hypnosis script with more suggestions can be found below or listened to in the audio files.

Possible Phrases:

  • “One thing at a time”
  • “Calm down”
  • “I’ll survive”
  • “I can handle it”
  • “It’s okay to make mistakes”
  • “I don’t have to be perfect”
  • “I can do my best and not compete with others”
  • “I am enough”
  • “I can feel angry without acting on it”
  • “I have all the talents and abilities I need to accomplish my goals”
  • “I am becoming more organized and disciplined”
  • “I am getter better at calming myself down”
  • “I am growing and changing as fast as I need to”
  • “I can be myself and not worry about what others think”
  • “I am learning to balance caring for others with self-care”
