Student Outreach Council Skip to main content

Student Outreach Council

As the CAPS Student Outreach Council, this is our mission:

EDUCATE students on a variety of mental health issues and on the resources available.

EMPOWER students to RECOGNIZE issues and REFER those in need to proper resources

ENCOURAGE students to lead a healthy lifestyle with an emphasis on mental health

We do that in a lot of different ways. We hold booths and presentations, share positivity and resources on social media, and design events to help students become more aware of their mental health.

We have room for all kinds of talents and abilities and would love to have your take on what needs to be done to promote mental health here on campus.

If you are interested in joining the council, please fill out the survey from the link below so that we can reach out to you. We hope that you form new friendships and find new opportunities for service and growth through the council. Meetings are on Thursdays at 11 am. We are excited to hear from you!

Contact Us for Presentations, General Information, or Other Support:

Follow us on social media!
Instagram: @byucaps
Facebook: BYU Counseling & Psychological Services