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Autogenics involves passive concentration on parts of the body while mentally repeating phrases suggesting warmth, heaviness, and relaxation such as “my arms are heavy and warm” or “my jaw is loose and slack.” The theme of heaviness promotes muscle relaxation, and the theme of warmth promotes improved blood circulation in hands and feet. Over time autogenics training can lead to an automatic response of relaxation by just thinking about heaviness or warmth and become an effective antidote to stress.

BenefitsAutogenics is effective in reducing fatigue, tension, high blood pressure, racing heart, irritability, and painful symptoms such as headaches. It can also reverse the fight-flight or freeze state associated with panic attacks.

Find a comfortable position either sitting or lying down. Uncross your legs, and place your hands palm down and flat beside your body. It is easier to concentrate with your eyes closed.

Try to imagine the sensation suggested in the formula as fully as possible. It isn’t important that you actually feel the sensations, just notice what sensations you do feel. For example your limbs may feel lighter and tingly as you relax rather than heavy and warm.
