Once you have read the following information, complete the intake paperwork by clicking "CONTINUE" below:
In order to be eligible for personal counseling, you need to be a three-quarter time, day-time BYU student during the current semester: enrolled in at least 9 credits. Graduate students must be considered full-time by their respective programs. During spring and summer terms, students are considered full-time and eligible for services if they completed the previous winter semester and are enrolled for fall semester.
After completing the online paperwork, call Counseling and Psychological Services at 801-422-3035, Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. to discuss your therapy options. Your options are as follows:
You may set an appointment for a one-time consultation with a psychologist (Quick Care)
You may set an appointment to meet with our case manager to receive help connecting with therapy in the community
You may be placed in our queue to wait for the next available appointment for individual, group, or couples therapy
If you are in crisis during the day (8:00 am - 4:15 pm) and feel you need to be seen immediately, please go directly to Counseling and Psychological Services, 1500 WSC. If this is an emergency during non-office hours, please call the University Police at 801-422-2222 and they will assist you.
If you are a non-student spouse coming in for couples counseling, you will need to create a BYU NetID here. This process will also give you a 9-digit BYU ID number. Please write this number down and have it ready when you call to set up a first appointment.
Because counselor time is in high demand, we request your cooperation in notifying our office promptly, at least 24 hours in advance, when you are unable to attend a session. Our phone number is 801-422-3035. Please note that more than one no-show or cancellation of an individual therapy appointment may result in being placed back on the waitlist for ongoing services. Should this situation arise, your counselor will discuss treatment options with you.
If you are under the age of 18, you will need to obtain parental consent for treatment. Please click here to learn more.
By clicking "CONTINUE" you are confirming that you have read the information above. After clicking "CONTINUE" you will re-directed to the Counseling Intake paperwork.