Drug Counseling and Treatment
The university supports student and personnel participation in programs to prevent the abuse of illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Substance Abuse Prevention Services, located at 1500 WSC (801-422-1942), has been established to provide students with confidential assistance for drug and alcohol abuse problems. Educational training programs, health information, preliminary evaluations, and counseling for possible referral to an outside medical provider are available. The Honor Code Office (801-422-2847) and Counseling and Psychological Services (801-422-3035) also provide consultations. Counselors in these offices are experienced professionals who offer support for students in an atmosphere of understanding and confidentiality. All programs offer individual assessment and referral to both on- and off-campus resources. Several independent off-campus entities also offer counseling services that are not affiliated with the university or its sponsor, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The general university prevention program of information dissemination, consultation, and referral is available as follows:
- The university will educate students and personnel about the detrimental effects of illegal drugs, misuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco through the university’s annual Clery Act Campus Security Report (“Security Report”) publication and distribution. Additional educational training for those who request the service may consist of university sponsored workshops, seminars, and lectures as determined appropriate by the director of Substance Abuse Prevention Services and approved by university administration.
- A description of the health risks associated with any particular drug (i.e., physical and psychological addiction; physical, psychological, and spiritual deterioration; disease; and death) may be obtained from the university’s annual Security Report, which is available online at police.byu.edu or can be requested in hard-copy form from BYU Police.
- The university recognizes that potential legal sanctions may accompany an individual’s use of drugs. The applicable legal sanctions under federal, state, or local law may include significant fines and imprisonment. A summary of applicable legal sanctions from the unlawful use of drugs may be obtained from the university’s annual Security Report, which is available online at police.byu.edu or can be requested in hard-copy form from BYU Police.
- Students and personnel involved in the intentional use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco may seek a consultative interview through the Substance Abuse Prevention Services for possible referral to an outside medical provider. All discussions will be handled in a confidential manner to the extent permitted by law.
The university supports the premise that personnel and students should cooperatively help one another to solve alcohol and substance abuse problems. Persons aware of those with substance abuse problems enrolled at or employed by the university are encouraged to act responsibly by consulting with Substance Abuse Prevention Services, Faculty Relations, Employee Relations, the Honor Code Office, or BYU Police. Remaining silent or waiting until a situation has escalated is unwise and often dangerous.